The Rebbe Audi Gozlan
Art made with love & passion, pencils & airbrush.
Audi Gozlan, who coined Kabalah and is the founder of the Kabalah Yoga practice, blends his spirituality along with studio yoga and everything else he can do. When Audi is not instructing yoga live in the studio or streaming sessions on social media, he is drawing. This particular collection is part of his lifetime of works, which displays the life and influence of the late rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson.

Words from the Artist
Many have asked me why I draw my teacher, the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, so often. If I were to count my drawings of this spiritual teacher, it would probably be hundreds, consisting about 60 percent of the art I have produced in my lifetime.
Drawing is one of my most sacred moments that I try to cultivate in my private life, where I can tap into my soul without limitation in time and space. An open, quiet, and peaceful space is ideal for my process. I draw in the living room, and use a special altar to draw, one that I also use for reading the Torah, for prayer and meditation. Then, I can draw for hours, sometimes throughout the night into the early morning, when it is most quiet in my home.
Most of my drawings emerge from the faces of the people who inspire me, including the Rebbe.
I begin to draw by visualizing the figure on paper, the face and subject hidden beneath the blank page, and all I need to do is reveal it. As I begin to shade the Rebbe's deep blue eyes with his smile, they figuratively remind me of his influence and impact. Each slight shade and stroke of the pencil on his beautifully composed, bearded face brings up feelings of reverence and awe. I picture his face as a door within which to recall his wisdom that can further unlock my mind through his teachings.
Audi's Dedication
I was lucky to be illuminated for almost eighteen years in the sacred light of my root teacher, the Rebbe.
I am forever grateful to have been able to breathe from his same air, learning so much about life, fulfilling dreams, and living to our potential. The Rebbe was a great leader not just because his wisdom was powerful but also because when he saw a potential in you. He would bless, motivate, and inspire you to do everything you can to bring it out and shine light and love into our world.
During the Rebbe’s lifetime on earth, starting from childhood, I was fascinated by his presence, his face, eyes and gaze. Each time I participated at a Farbrengen (gathering) or saw him during prayers or when he gave a talk. I was often excited to draw him by capturing that moment. During the early years, the 80s, my art themes were mostly inspired on topics the Rebbe would express during the course of a Farbrengen. Whether it was the year of ‘Hakhel’, or his birthday, I would feel the need to capture in the drawing not just the best image of the Rebbe to suit the message, but the literal message itself as part of the art.
The later years (90s) following the Rebbe’s ascent to heaven, my art had turned more inward and was more about capturing not messages, but his face which had been engraved in my heart for so many years.
During the recent years, my art mediums had turned to mixing up art with pencils and airbrush. This gave my Rebbe drawings more life and real look.
Over the years, I have gathered plenty of drawings made especially of the Rebbe.
I present this gallery of the Rebbe with the intention of adding more light, warmth, and inspiration to our world.