The Rebbe Audi Gozlan
Art made with love & passion, pencils & airbrush.
Early Years
Explore and purchase the early years from Audi Gozlan's symbolic collection of artwork, the Rebbe among others, from the 1980s onward.

Divrei Mashiach
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
In the 80s, I often drew a special piece in honour of the late Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson. On the Rebbe's 84th birthday, I made this drawing in connection to what the Rebbe said that year represented. Notably, he proclaimed "the year of the words of Mashiach".

Years of Youth
On the 90th birthday of the Rebbe, he had taught us the meaning of his Psalm chapter 91, saying that this year would be about fulfillment and youthfulness. I remember the Rebbe that night on his birthday. He was on fire and looked very strong and youthful. In this drawing, I figured the Rebbe as a child of under three years old with his right hand in the air, encouraging and inspiring the world to renew our spiritual work in making the world a better place.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
From the moment he assumed the role as Rebbe, Menachem Mendel Schneerson already had a plan, to elevate the world through acts of kindness. This image captures some of the greatest campaigns the Rebbe launched that would illuminate the world with Tefillin, Chanukah, mezuzah, Torah study, Shabat candles, and more.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Standing on the Roof of Redemption
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
That year in, the Rebbe spoke passionately about Moshiach’s coming and how he would be standing on top of 770 proclaiming that the time for our redemption arrived.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

I Believe Ani Ma'amin
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
The Rebbe taught us to believe and trust in the words of our sages, that even if the Messiah is tardy upon his arrival, we must believe with complete faith in his imminent coming.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Shema Yisroel
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
In the Rebbe’s Shema prayer, you would feel a strong light of love and deep connection emanating from the Rebbe as he closed his eyes, meditated and looked inward.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

The Rebbe’s Torah
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
The Rebbe told us that when the Messiah would come, a new Torah never revealed before would be given to the world as a gift. The process already began since the appearance of the holy Besht and through all the Rebbe’s that followed. We are living in unique times, where today we are getting more and more rays of light form this teaching being revealed.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Rebbe's House Beis Rabeinu
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $280
Shipping & Handling not included
The Rebbe spoke passionately about 770, the synagogue in Brooklyn from where he reached out to the world as being the temple sanctuary of our days in this exile until the coming of the final redemption. At a personal level, we are all mini temples housing the divine in our body, mind and heart.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Connection Ve'Atah Tetsaveh
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
The last ma’amar deep discussion the Rebbe gave prior to his stroke is known as “ Ve’Atah Tetsvaeh” which speaks about Moses momentarily being hidden from the world prior to his emergence. The Rebbe prophetically chose this topic as his final one, to give us hope and faith for a better day.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Song & Joy
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
I once had a discussion with Rabbi Groner, the secretary of the Rebbe, who told me that the last words of the Rebbe following his stroke in 1992 were: “with song and joy will we be redeemed”. The Rebbe’s vision was all about the redemption. The prayer at the time of all Chasidim was for the Rebbe to heal and Mashiach to finally come. Everyone of us are like the letters of the Torah and together we will dance into the redemption.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Ohel Rebbe
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
Chassidim continue to connect to the Rebbe at the Ohel, culminating inspiration. Even after his ascent, the Rebbe has imprinted his marks on the gravestones of his students or anyone who listened and admired his philosophies.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Temple Vision
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
Three times a day do we pray for the coming of the Messaiah. In this image of the Rebbe praying, one can imagine how deep his vision was as he prayed for the blossoming of a vision.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $280
Shipping & Handling not included

The Holy Note, Pan
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
This drawing is different then what I’m used to. It is more emotional for me to draw as it expresses a situation we are in now. Nonetheless, the point is to know that we can always reach to the Rebbe by writing a note at the Ohel and dropping it their. Know that the Rebbe is reading each note he receives..
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

Basi LeGani --Returning to Paradise
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
From the moment the Rebbe assumed leadership in 1951, for 40 years, he explained and elaborated upon the final teaching of his father in law, the previous Rebbe, on the meaning of the Creator, returning to this world as a paradise and holy garden where sacred light is revealed. In this image, all the Rebbe of Chabad as well as the Besht and Magid are included.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

The Blessings
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
This image encapsulates different times in my life, from barmitzva to marriage and bearing children along with the blessings that the Rebbe bestowed during the most memorable moments.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

The Song of Redemption
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included
Hassidic melodies are modes of telling story, offering ancient teachings , and practicing memory from past lifelines. The Rebbe used nigunim, chanting as a way to celebrate everyday life while educating those who heard the songs. This image transfigures the importance of chants and music as part of our life.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $ 280
Shipping & Handling not included

The Sun's Stillness
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $280
Shipping & Handling not included
This drawing made following the ascend of the Rebbe on the 3rd of Tammuz, portraying the very words of the Rebbe exposing this holy day and how we must see it the day the redemption became more of our reality.
Lytho Print 12 X 18 $72
Large Print 18 X 24 $ 150
Semi-Original 24 X 36 $280
Shipping & Handling not included